Danny advises on privacy issues, assists clients with the design and implementation of GDPR programs, and provides assistance with due diligence investigations. In addition, Danny is an examiner for the “Certified Data Protection Officer” program at Outvie and an instructor for the “Law and Ethics” module within the “Chief Data Officer” course. Danny received his bachelor’s degree in law from the University of Amsterdam in 2015, followed by a master’s degree in Law and Technology from Tilburg University. In 2023, he completed the Grotius specialization course in Privacy Law cum laude. In 2020, Danny was awarded the ‘Young Talent’ prize by Advocatie, a Dutch magazine for the legal profession. Danny worked at two Dutch ministries and the Dutch Embassy in France before becoming a lawyer at De Roos Advocaten. In July 2023, he started the forerunner of New Paradigm, with the mission to harness law for greater sustainability and justice. In addition to his work at New Paradigm, Danny is an initiator and chairman of the Law for Climate Foundation, which uses law to make society more sustainable. He is also a member of the Impact 2100 network, which promotes the concept of “broad prosperity” among companies and governments, including through participation on supervisory boards.

Danny in the media
- MT/Sprout: Fines for big tech are just ‘part of their revenue model’
- Lawyer magazine – Lawyers unite for Climate.
- MT/Sprout: ‘Financier of the climate crisis’ or scapegoat? What makes the climate case against ING so striking
- Change.Inc: Changemaker and lawyer Danny Hoekzema: ‘Sustainable change can be made with the stroke of a legal pen’
- Mr.: ‘Lawyer who wants to contribute to climate doesn’t have to glue himself to the a12’
Danny has the following main area of law registered in the Register of Legal Jurisdictions of the Dutch Bar Association:
- Privacy Law
Based on this registration, he is required to obtain ten training points per calendar year in each registered principal area of law in accordance with the standards set by the Dutch Bar Association.